Information questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I place an order?

To place an order with Wrist Pro, simply browse our collection on our website and select the watch you'd like to purchase. Click on the "Add to Cart" button and follow the prompts to complete your order.

Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

Absolutely, we take great care to ensure that the product images on our website accurately represent the watches we offer. We strive to provide high-quality images that closely resemble the actual products you'll receive. However, slight variations in color, finish, or detailing may occur due to factors like screen resolution or lighting conditions. Rest assured, the watches you receive will reflect the same level of craftsmanship and quality as showcased in our product images.

Do you offer warranties on your watches?

Yes, we provide a 6-month warranty on all our watches. Our warranty covers manufacturing defects, malfunctioning movements, structural issues.

Please note that our warranty does not cover damages caused by accidents, misuse, normal wear and tear, water damage unless explicitly stated as water-resistant, or alterations made by unauthorized individuals.

To initiate a warranty claim, Contact us at or WhatsApp us at 03122888058.

Are your watches authentic/original?

Our watches are premium quality luxury replica/master copies. They are meticulously crafted to mirror the sophistication and elegance of high-end originals while maintaining our commitment to exceptional quality.

Do you ship all over Pakistan?

Yes, we offer shipping services across Pakistan. Our goal is to ensure that our premium quality luxury replica watches are accessible to customers nationwide. Regardless of your location within Pakistan, we strive to deliver our meticulously crafted timepieces to your doorstep with reliable and efficient shipping services.

Information about us